Category | Topics |
LumbSmasherThe LumbSmasher Category for everything related to LumbSmasher. You can ask for help, appeal bans/blacklists and reply to the suggestion topic to make suggestions. Anything related to the LumbSmasher script belongs here.
BarkWelcome to the Bark category. Here you can post server ban appeals, feature suggestions, demos/showcases of you using bark, or bases you create using bark.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
RobloxThis category is all about Roblox, wether it’s normal gameplay or exploiting or selling items. Feel free to advertise your Roblox trade deals or show off your gameplay records. Please refrain from scamming other people though.(You will be suspended for scamming) If there’s anything else you want to see here, feel free to suggest it in the suggestions category.
MarketplaceTalk about selling and trading goods/services here. As long as you are not scamming, you are allowed to advertise your services. If you want a middlemen, contact staff. As we gain more members, a list of middlemen will be posted here. Please message the @staff group if you want to file a scam report!
MemesCreate topics for all the memes you want here, as long as it isn’t a re-post and that it is appropriate. Everyone can reply to posts in this section, but only people with Trust Level 2 can post due to the fact that people will spam shitposts. Have Fun!