Been wondering, what is the best roblox game to just troll on and have fun being a douche to other people on?
Stupid condor and hangout games.
Any game infected by a backdoor.
Any game where the owner is too stupid and uses remotes for everything, making the game very exploitable. Good example of this is the game Prison Life.
LGBTQ Hangout yes its good for trolling
Send some examples of that game.
Here :))
Troll on cafe games, army games and clothing type games
adopt me is Verrrry funny when you repeatedly trap people in strollers
Phantom forces very toxic players = best reactions i just troll on them with aimbot and stuff
The best game to troll on is because I see many people troll on it.
troll on frappe, and LGBTQ games.
lol yea such an old game what do u mean remotes tho?
remotes, aka remote events which you can fire them using exploits, a lot of jojo games use a bunch of remotes for stuff so yea
prob some vibe, condos (don’t think there’s any more of those games), or roplay games. I like to VR troll, its one of my favorite things to troll with.
Trade hangouts
pastriez bakery