[Bloxburg] Westwood High School

Westwood High School

Created By: mady#4797 (317937459390316546)
Base ID: 5fe26694c295df6347a98b72
Cost: $345,971


(240 KB)

uhh so i was in YukiDaCuties private server and found this lovely gem… i’m not sure about game passes but it costs 345k. this was most likely a tutorial video so if anyone can find the decals for this build or the speed build hit me up.

Migrations applied on Sunday, 01/03/2021, 03:39:01 PM (Pacific Standard Time)

Base ID Highlight

Have built this - looks good, actually cost just over $430,000, more than the cost stated. Would recommend.

1 Like

Is it finished?

Yeah it is fully furnished

Its fantastic and fully furnised, is about 100k over the stated cost tho.

I’m building is nice so far

Is Good And All But Yall Should of added a gym a music

oop- i thought i found it

what gamepasses needed?

looks nice im going to try it

does it have dorms

Excuse me? I built this school a LONG time ago and it was without a youtube tutorial. Please take the post down I’ve already have multiple people claiming it’s theirs. This is a screenshot of me roleplaying in the server. My username is ViviTheUnicorn114 if you’d like to shoot me a message…