How long will this forum stay dead?

And as this graph further proves our point, the forum is dead as hell. The reason you see a spike on the graph is because someone most likely opened the forum accidentally.

Thank you for your time. I was HKR and I am out,

Its fucking dead as you can see in the graphs

Where did you even get the graph? That’s not my graphs in the admin area.

I don’t even think that’s a real graph lol, probably got it off of google or something?

The graphs don’t lie they never lie

Listen to Rapid, graphs never lie. That’s the truth.

Here’s the Truth:

That’s just us being “active” and saying its dead and we’re the only ones making it “alive”


No, you can see how it’s quite dead now, but used to be more active.

I think what you are trying to say is,

It used to be alive but it died. Now it’s dead as hell.

Idk man go ask the forum :slight_smile:

sure michael reevs‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

bro this is funny as hell XD

Rapid if you see this, ill give you my bot Sc so u can skid :xd3:

This forum still exists? I kid u not I forgot about this forum

This forum is very active ok