Montilla Residence ID

(Today, you can get the REAL and 100% builded montilla residence ID for 5$ in crypto (we decided to not make it free because we builded it ourself and it’s a big job) DM on discord : deer#4723 to pay via crypto and receive it.

no idiot scammer because u cant copy ur montilla because its way too big i got 1 but the copy id is not working and the other ppl tried too so stop scamming or i will tell the owner that ur scamming

It’s way to big bla bla bla… :nerd_face: yeah lol

is the 4th and 3rd good

Someone releases the id for free so this topic is closed

Ok can u give me the ID

Such a bad lair

First of all this thing is not fully built because the real one cant be copied because way too big you copied this but its not fully built u said its fully built but it’s not stupid scammer go to hell bitch

Someone’s mad :yum:

Plus real montilla cost 3.5 mil not 2.5 mil

In fact imma tebuild it using the floor plans