What is 1+1?

pls give me an answer and prove it, no repeats

Answers w/ Proof:
2 - applebee

Answer: 2
Proof: You have one x, now you put another x, the result is X X which is 2

x is different than X :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Proof: You have one x, now you put another x, the result is x x which is 2

ok you got one answer, feel free to answer more

My mom drank alcohol in college so her eggs were calculating chromosomes like 23+23=47

sorry, off by 69 :flushed:

Man obviously the answer is 69420 bruh

proof please

1 + 1 is also 11
proof: you take a 1 and then add another 1 next to it making 11